Brighton Ballet School Safeguarding

Code of Conduct Teachers



In keeping with its vision and values, Brighton Ballet School is committed to maintaining the highest degree of ethical conduct amongst all its staff and associated personnel. To help increase understanding, this Code of Conduct details Brighton Ballet School’s expectations of employees in key areas.


Scope and purpose

This Code of Conduct applies to all contracted staff, international and local, employed by Brighton Ballet School. Adapted Codes of Conduct are applicable to volunteers, partners, contractors and suppliers.


The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to set out the conduct expected of Brighton Ballet School staff whilst under contract to the organisation, and forms part of all contracts of employment. The Code is applicable at all times. Breaches of the Code of Conduct are grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.


Whilst recognising that local laws and cultures differ considerably from one country to another, Brighton Ballet School is an International Non-Governmental Organisation, and therefore the Code of Conduct is developed from international and UN standards. Brighton Ballet School staff are expected to uphold local law wherever they operate, except where the Code of Conduct is more stringent, in which case the Code applies.


Mission and values

Brighton Ballet School Mission Statement

Our mission is to :

  • nurture, train and educate students from any background regardless of race, gender, religious belief, disability, age, sexual orientation or identity.
  • to enable students to become innovative and skilled performers, at the cutting edge of professional dance through the development and delivery of innovative programmes.
  • to share our passion for dance and acrobatics engaging with the wider community as much as possible through innovative workshops, events and programmes.


Brighton Ballet School’s Organisational Values :

  • Student-focused: Students are at the heart of everything we do at the School and their training and welfare are the basis of all decisions.
  • Innovative and pioneering : We are a bold, forward-thinking organisation and bring this approach to all areas of our work with the utmost integrity.
  • Promoting excellence: We maintain the highest standards of excellence in dance and acrobatic training.
  • Training versatile dancers: To train highly skilled dancers that are able to adapt to a broad range of styles.
  • Faithful to our core mission : To provide top schools and companies in the industry with skilled diverse dancers and performers.
  • One team : We support each other, creating a warm nurturing environment for students to maximise their potential.
  • Committed to academic education : To support students through important stages in their academic education.
  • Nurturing of our students: We are respectful of our dancers as aspiring artists and as individual intelligent human beings that deserve their worries, hopes and dreams to be heard and understood.
  • Pioneering in healthcare: Working with professionals in the industry we will endeavour to care for the physical and mental heath of our students whilst they are in our care and when necessary refer students to the appropriate services, to create stronger, happier and more resilient dancers in the studio and beyond.
  • Broadening access: sharing our expertise in ballet and acrobatics, engaging with the wider community through our outreach and Access workshops, classes, and events.
  • At the core of our values the following statements are fundamental to our policy ;
  • Endeavour to always prioritise respect for the individual
  • Encourage a culture of health and well-being
  • Encourage freedom of thought and expression, fostering academic freedom of speech
  • Embrace entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Stride to provide a culture of creative opportunities
  • Facilitate Life-long learning and continuing professional development for our students and teaching staff
  • Invite Students, Parents and Guardians to engage as partners in quality management and enhancement


Code of Conduct Standards

As an Brighton Ballet School employee I will:

  • Uphold the integrity and reputation of Brighton Ballet School by ensuring that my professional and personal conduct is consistent with Brighton Ballet School’s values and standards
  • I will treat all people fairly with respect and dignity
  • When working in an national or international context or travelling nationally or internationally on behalf of Brighton Ballet School, I will be observant of all local laws and be sensitive to local customs
  • I will seek to ensure that my conduct does not bring Brighton Ballet School into disrepute and does not impact on or undermine my ability to undertake the role for which I am employed
  • I will not work under the influence of alcohol or use, or be in possession of, illegal substances on Brighton Ballet School premises or accommodation

Not engage in abusive or exploitative conduct

  • I will not engage in sexual activity with children (persons under the age of 18). Mistaken belief in the age of a child is not a defence
  • I will not exchange of money, employment, goods or services for sex, including sexual favours or other forms of humiliating, degrading or exploitative behaviour, is prohibited. This includes any exchange of assistance that is due to beneficiaries of assistance
  • I will not engage in sexual relationships with beneficiaries of assistance, since they are based on inherently unequal power dynamics
  • I will not engage in any commercially exploitative activities with children or vulnerable adults including child labour or trafficking
  • I will not physically assault a child or vulnerable adult
  • I will not emotionally or psychologically abuse a child or vulnerable adult
  • Ensure the safety, health and welfare of all Brighton Ballet School staff members and associated personnel (volunteers, partners, suppliers and contractors)
  • I will adhere to all legal and organisational health and safety requirements in force at my location of work
  • I will comply with any local security guidelines and be pro-active in informing management of any necessary changes to such guidelines
  • I will behave in a manner such as to avoid any unnecessary risk to the safety, health and welfare of myself and others, including partner organisations and communities with whom we work
  • Be responsible for the use of information, assets and resources to which I have access by reason of my employment with Brighton Ballet School
  • I will ensure that I use Brighton Ballet School assets and resources entrusted to me in a responsible manner and will account for all money and property
  • I will not use Brighton Ballet School IT equipment, software or e-mail and social media platforms to engage in activity that is illegal under local or international law or that encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence. This includes any material that intimidates or harasses any group based on protected characteristics, or encourages extremism
  • I will not use Brighton Ballet School IT equipment to view, download, create, distribute or save in any format inappropriate or abusive material including but not limited to pornography or depictions of child abuse
  • Perform my duties and conduct my private life in a manner that avoids conflict of interest

  • I will declare any financial, personal or family (or close intimate relationship) interest in matters of official business which may impact on the work of Brighton Ballet School
  • I will not be involved in awarding benefits, contracts for goods or services, employment or promotion within Brighton Ballet School, to any person with whom I have a financial, personal, family (or close intimate relationship) interests
  • I will seek permission before agreeing to being nominated as a prospective candidates or another official role for any dance studio, classes, that may pose a conflict of interest
  • I will not accept significant gifts or any remuneration from students, parents or guardians with whom we work, donors, suppliers and other persons which have been offered to me as a result of my employment with Brighton Ballet School
  • I will not promote any classes I or any other dance school may run outside the remit of Brighton Ballet School

Uphold confidentiality

  • I will exercise due care in all matters of official business, and not divulge any confidential information relating to colleagues, work-related matters or any sensitive information unless legally required to do so


Complaints and reports

Brighton Ballet School staff are obligated to bring to the attention of the relevant manager any potential incident, abuse or concern that they witness, are made aware of, or suspect which appears to breach the Standards contained in this Code. Brighton Ballet School staff reporting concerns are protected by the Disclosure of Malpractice in the Workplace policy.


Staff members who have a complaint or concern relating to breach of the Code should report it immediately to the Principal of the school. If the staff member does not feel comfortable reporting to the Principal of the school (for example if they feel that the report will not be taken seriously, or if that person is implicated in the concern) they may report to any other appropriate staff member who must then pass on the grievance to the Principal.


Staff members receiving reports or concerns are obliged to action or refer the report immediately as per the Brighton Ballet School Complaints Policy and procedures


Related policies

Terms & Conditions

Complaints policy and procedures (within Terms & Conditions)

Health and Safety Policy

Safeguarding policy

Anti Bullying and Harassment policy (within safeguarding policy)


In accepting my appointment I undertake to discharge my duties and to regulate my conduct in accordance with the requirements of this Code





Document Revisions : 29/8/2020