Classes during Covid


Let’s stay safe! 

Guidelines for when it is safe and not safe to attend class


Guidelines on when its safe for you or your child to attend class  

Covid-19 related pupil absence – Measures we’ve put in place to protect you! 

A quick reference guide for parents/carers/students and staff

What to do if… Action Needed Return to classes when…

…you/your child has Covid-19 symptoms.


·       a new continuous cough

·       a high temperature and severe headache

·       a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)


– Do not come to class

– Ring 119 for advice on symptoms

– Contact BBS to inform us

– Self-isolate the whole household

– Get a test if advised

– Inform BBS immediately about the test result

…the test comes back negative or a period of 10 days has passed since the symptoms started, and the student feels well.

If positive, other household members isolate for 14 days

…you/your child tests positive for Covid-19.

– Do not come to class

– Contact BBS to inform us.

– Agree an earliest date for possible return (minimum of 10 days).

– Isolate the whole household for 14 days.

…10 days have passed since symptoms began, even if they still have a cough or loss of taste/smell. (These symptoms can last for several weeks.)

AND the student feels well and has no temperature

Other household members isolate for 14 days

…you/your child tests negative.

– Contact BBS to inform us.


… student is well enough
…you/your child is ill with symptoms not linked to Covid-19 e.g. sore throat, cough not persistent, minor cold symptoms including   runny nose

– Do not come to class if you/they are too unwell, contact BBS to inform us

– If you feel they/you are fit enough to come in, send the student in.

– Ring/email on each day of a missed class to let BBS office know.

… student is well enough
…someone in my household has Covid-19 symptoms.

– Do not come to class

– Contact BBS to inform us.

– Self-isolate the whole household.

– Household member to get a test.

– Inform BBS immediately about test result.

– BBS to set learning tasks/access via Zoom if test positive

…the test comes back negative.
…someone in my household tests positive for Covid-19.

– Do not come to class

– Contact BBS to inform us.

– Agree an earliest date for possible return (minimum of 14 days).

– Isolate the whole household.

– BBS to set learning tasks/access via Zoom

…the student has completed 14 days of isolation and shows no symptoms
…NHS test and trace has identified you/your child as a close contact of somebody with symptoms or confirmed Covid-19.

– Do not come to class

– Contact BBS to inform us.

– Agree an earliest date for possible return (minimum of 14 days).

– BBS to set learning tasks/access via Zoom


…the student has completed 14 days of isolation and shows no symptoms
…NHS test and trace has identified a household member (other than me/my child) as a close contact of somebody with symptoms or confirmed Covid-19.

– The household member must self-isolate for 14 days.

– Student can continue to attending classes.

… a sibling attending another school or class has been sent home to self-isolate due to there being a positive case in their bubble.

Sibling must self-isolate for 14 days.

– BBS Students can continue to attend unless they or sibling develops symptoms


… someone in my/ my child’s class ( including possibly a   staff member) shows symptoms

Symptomatic student or staff member seeks test

Rest of children/students/staff linked to bubble continue to attend class

… someone in my/my child’s class ( including possibly a staff member) tests positive

The child/staff/student member who tested positive self-isolates for 10 days. Their household members self-isolate for 14 days.

All of the bubble members will isolate for 14 days. Other household members including siblings do not need to isolate.

…. isolation period is completed
… you/your child has travelled abroad from a country or territory that is NOT on the exempt list of countries.

If returning from a destination where quarantine is needed*:

– minimum of 14 days self-isolation for all those who travelled.

– contact BBS to inform us you are back in the country and we will agree an earliest date for possible return to class.

Isolate the whole household.


*Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) – for up to date travel information

– BBS to set learning tasks/access via Zoom

…the quarantine period of 14 days has been completed.
…I have travelled from a country that requires us to quarantine (but you/your child didn’t travel).

– As long as you do not have / have not had symptoms in the last 14 days, you/your child can continue to attend class

– The person who has travelled MUST NOT leave the house, including to do pick-ups and drop offs

…we have received medical advice that you/your child must resume shielding.

– Do not come to class

– Contact BBS to inform us.

– Shield until you are informed that restrictions are lifted and shielding is paused again.

BBS to set learning tasks/access via Zoom

… Government informs you that restrictions have been lifted and the student can return to class again.

…you receive medical advice that the student may return to class

…my/my child’s class is closed due to a Covid-19 outbreak in school.

– Student must not come to class

– Support your child/your learning at home with home learning tasks/access via Zoom

– You/your child will need to self-isolate for 14 days.

– Other siblings may continue to attend classes

– BBS to set learning tasks/access via Zoom

… BBS informs you that the bubble will be reopened.
… I am unable to get a test for someone in the household who has symptoms

If you are not able to get a test in the first 5 days of having symptoms, your child and anyone they live with must stay at home and self-isolate for 14 days. Anyone in your support bubble must also stay at home.

– BBS to set learning tasks/access via Zoom


…the student has completed 14 days of isolation and shows no symptoms



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Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

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